
Copyright and disclaimer notices: web publishing

The official web versions of the whole-of-Government Copyright and Disclaimer notices are maintained at:

These copyright and disclaimer notices were prepared by the Office of the Solicitor-General for application to all web publishing by the Crown.

The Copyright notice gives visitors to Government websites a limited licence to use the material published. If agencies publish on their websites any material that the Crown does not own the copyright to, then they must include an additional notice on their website revoking this limited licence. Alternatively agencies may renegotiate their Copyright in the material to allow the material to be published under the whole-of-Government Copyright notice.

Similarly, if agencies publish material with the intention that it be available for commercial purposes, that extended licence should be indicated on the individual website, page or individual document. Any specific conditions of use must also be stated. In either case, a draft of any additional copyright statements should be checked with the Office of the Solicitor-General.

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