
10. Communications approvals

In this section:

Communications approvals |

Communications approvals

Category Action Approvals Required
Coat of Arms Approve the use or reproduction the Coat of Arms, Tasmanian flag, Tasmanian badge, mineral: crocoite or the floral emblem for organisations other than Tasmanian Government bodies.
  • State Protocol Officer, DPAC - Approval must be in writing
Planning Approve the initiation of all communications procurements for their agency.

A communications strategy or planning document may be required to approve communications procurement, the initiation of a campaign and campaign specifications.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate) - Approval must be given prior to seeking approval from any other person required by this policy.
Cabinet Submissions  Approve all Cabinet Communications Strategies for Cabinet Minutes involving policy changes, public announcements, new initiatives and major decisions.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
Procurement (see section 7.2 Communications procurement) Approve communications procurements valued at greater than $100,000.

A communications strategy or planning document may be required to approve communications procurement, the initiation of a campaign and campaign specifications.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Head of Agency (or delegate) - including approval of the Pre-procurement Local Impact Assessment and Industry Consultation form.
  • Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC (or delegate)
Approve a tender evaluation report by participating in the tender evaluation panel. (tenders are required for communications procurements over $250,000)
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate) 
  • Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC (or delegate)
Press ads Approve any routine Government press advertisement being run outside the consolidated format.  (Specifically this applies to job ads, public notices and tender advertisements)
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC (or delegate)
Campaigns (for a definition of a campaign see section 8.2 Campaigns) Approve the initiation of a campaign.

A communications strategy or planning document may be required to approve communications procurement, the initiation of a campaign and campaign specifications.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Head of Agency (or delegate)
Approve campaign specifications as described in procurement documents.

A communications strategy or planning document may be required to approve communications procurement, the initiation of a campaign and campaign specifications.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Head of Agency (or delegate) - A relevant board may do this where applicable
  • Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC (or delegate)
  • Government Communications Office
Approve the creative concept prior to production and implementation for all campaigns.

The Government Communications Office will require an overview of the creative concept including any briefs to explain the rationale of the creative concept.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Government Communications Office (via Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC)
Online Approve all new pages and sites set up to represent the Government on non-Tasmanian Government websites e.g. social media accounts
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
Approve domain name request and/or request for an exemption from using a URL
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Head of Agency (or delegate) - the delegate may be the communications manager.
  • Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC (or delegate)
Sponsorship and partnerships Give approval to issue or accept a sponsorship agreement, regardless of value.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
Give approval to issue or accept a sponsorship agreement when the value is over $10,000
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Head of Agency (or delegate)
Give approval to enter a partnership agreement with communications implications, regardless of value.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Head of Agency (or delegate)
Branding (exemptions from Style Guide) Exemptions from any mandatory element in the Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC (or delegate)
Approve the creation of graphic and promotional devices.

A planning document may be required to assess an application for a graphic device.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC (or delegate) - must be granted prior to production.
Exemptions from the Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy for campaigns.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC (or delegate) - must be granted prior to production.
Approve the initiation of a sub-brand on behalf of the Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet.
  • Agency Comms Managers (or delegate)
  • Manager, Communications and Protocol Unit, DPAC (or delegate)