
5.2 'Tasmanian' brand

Brand Tasmania as the custodians of the Tasmanian brand are responsible for developing, maintaining, protecting and promoting the Tasmanian brand. The Tasmanian brand differentiates and enhances Tasmania’s appeal and national and international competitiveness. The Tasmanian place brand is designed to communicate messages that promote the value of being ‘Tasmanian’ and the State’s appeal as a place to live and work, visit, learn, trade and invest.

Image of the Tasmania brand word mark.

Policy requirements

The use of the Tasmanian brand is not mandatory in government but agencies can incorporate it in their communications activities where appropriate within the Tasmanian Government design framework. It is important to note that the Tasmanian Government logo is always required on Tasmanian Government communications and marketing materials.

For advice on the Tasmanian brand, please contact Brand Tasmania.