
8.5 Tasmanian Government websites


Government websites are key platforms for providing access to information and services. They are also a critical part of government’s internal communication and information sharing infrastructure.

When creating websites, agencies should carefully consider whether it is appropriate to publish the information on an existing website or a new website. In particular, information about projects with limited lifespan or expected low public interest may be more appropriately and efficiently published on either the agency’s main website or another existing site.


When managing Tasmanian Government websites and portals agencies must:

  • make Tasmanian Government public information available online except where it is determined there is:
    • high cost relative to the benefit of electronic accessibility
    • low usage
    • high publication complexity
    • low suitability for web delivery.
  • make sure the community can find details on the web of public information that is not available on the web. This must be done by providing a brief summary together with details on how to access a copy via email, telephone or mail.
  • ensure information published on websites is accessible in accordance with WCAG 2.0 level AA accessibility requirements.
  • clearly identify the Tasmanian Government as the owner of the website by complying with the requirements of the Tasmanian Government Style Guide and Logo Policy.
  • use a URL for all Tasmanian Government websites. Approval to request a domain name or request an exemption from using a URL must be sought from your agency communications manager. For more information about the process of registering a domain name, please see Registration of Tasmanian Government Domain Names.
  • link their websites to the Tasmanian Government portal and the Service Tasmania portal
  • provide a mechanism on all websites that allows members of the public to submit comments, questions or feedback directly to the agency.
  • respect privacy rights and copyright ownership in all online publishing and communication in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004, the Privacy Principles (Australian Information Commissioner), and the Copyright Act 1968.
  • ensure the permission is gained from all subjects when publishing photographs or videos on agency websites (see Acknowledgement of use of image (Adult and Minor) template (Word)).
  • ensure information published on websites is recorded and archived in accordance with agency records management policies and with the Archives Act 1983 and the Libraries Act 1984. Advice on Government recordkeeping and legal deposit is available from LINC Tasmania.
  • procure the services of external website consultants and developers in accordance with the Treasurer’s Instructions, including the Government Information Technology Conditions (GITC), and the specific requirements in section 7.2 Communications procurement.