

Text below the basewave must be restricted to two lines and may include:

One line

Department name OR

Business unit name OR


Two lines

Department name OR

Business unit name AND Department name OR

Contact number AND Department name OR

URL AND Department name OR

Contact number AND URL

Text may only run to three lines when the department name does not fit in two lines. In the case of a joint project between two or more agencies, no department name should be specified. Leave the area blank and represent the agencies in the area above the basewave.

The inclusion of a URL or a contact number below the basewave is intended to allow this space to act as a ‘call to action’ as well as a design element.

The recommended font size for an A4 format is 12pt Gill Sans light, 80 kerning (optional), 15pt leading. This should be scaled in proportion to size of the document used.

Examples of how to use text below the basewave