

Browse the Style Guide:

In this section: Typeface | Web font | Size | Typography |

The mandatory font is the Gill Sans family. (Also known as Gill Sans MT)

It is recognised that this font is not always available. In the absence of Gill Sans MT, the substitute font is Arial.

Note: Please be aware that when Gill Sans light is used in Microsoft Word it can cause an accessibility error when converted to PDF for publishing. Always check for accessibility before publishing documents digitally.

The mandatory font for the web is Arial. The fallback font must be generic sans-serif.

Examples of acceptable fonts

The mandatory font for the web is Arial. The fallback font must be a generic sans-serif. See Websites page for more detail.

In all Government communications material, the minimum type size should be 10pt. Only disclaimers, footnotes and some stationery text should be a smaller type size.

If a document is being professionally set – by an inhouse designer or external agency – the font may by smaller. However, issues of legibility must be considered.

The following measurements are recommended for professionally set documents:

  • Newsprint advertising: Body type size minimum 7.8pt with 8.8pt – 9.3pt leading.
  • Long documents: (i.e. reports) minimum body type size 8.5pt with 10pt leading.

The heading, including font size, style and placement, is flexible.

Examples of main headings and sub-headings