
Sub-brand stationery

Mandatory: Tasmanian Government logo, sub-brand logo, font and stationery templates.

Sub-brand letterheads

The sub-brand logo is placed in the top right-hand corner, with the Tasmanian Government version of the logo in the left-hand corner, to the left of the text block.

Sub-brand logos cannot have a vertical height greater than the Tasmanian Government logo.

The specifications for A4 letterheads are:

  • A4 letterhead
  • Department name – Gill Sans regular 14pt
  • Unit name – Gill Sans light capitals 9pt on 12pt leading (2mm space before)
  • Address – Gill Sans light 9pt on 12pt leading (3mm space before)

Sub-brand envelope

The sub-brand logo and the Tasmania Government logo are placed in the top left-hand corner to the left of the text block. The Tasmanian Government logo is positioned to the left of the sub-brand logo. The sub-brand logo cannot have a vertical height greater than the Tasmanian Government logo.

The specifications for DL envelope are:

  • Department name – Gill Sans regular 10pt on 11pt leading
  • Unit name – Gill Sans light capitals 8pt on 11pt leading (1mm space before)
  • Address information – Gill Sans light 8pt on 11pt leading

Sub-brand ‘With Compliments’ slips

Following the sub-brand letterhead format, the sub-brand logo is placed on the right-hand side and the Tasmanian Government logo on the left-hand side, to the left of the text.

The specifications for With Compliments slips are:

  • Department name – Gill Sans regular 14pt
  • Unit name – Gill Sans light capitals 9pt on 12pt leading (2mm space before)
  • Address – Gill Sans light 9pt on 12pt leading (3mm space before)
  • With Compliments – sits in the bottom left-hand corner in Gill Sans italic 12pt.

Sub-brand business cards

Depending on the shape and design of the sub-brand logo, it may appear to the left of, or beneath, the Tasmanian Government logo.

The specifications for Business card front are:

  • Department name – Gill Sans regular 9pt on 12pt
  • Name – Gill Sans regular 11pt on 13pt
  • Title – Gill Sans light capitals 6pt on 10pt
  • Address – Gill Sans light 8pt on 11pt
Examples of sub-brand letterheads and envelope
Examples of sub-brand with-compliments-slip
Example of business card front and back